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[3] 重庆市自然科学基金项目:力学微环境影响肝癌细胞迁移的新机制:糖代谢变化及其力信号转导,2020.07-2023.06。

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[7] 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项子课题:空间细胞/组织培养基底牵张加载技术的生物学测试,2018.01-2020.12。

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[1] Yanping Tang, Yanan Fan, Qing Luo, Guanbin Song*. Pressure loading induces DNA damage in human hepatocyte line L02 cells via the ERK1/2-Dicer signaling pathway. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2022, 23(10): 5342.


[2] Qing Li, Hao Luo, Yuan-Yuan Luo, Wei Zhang, Huang-Ming Hong, Meng-Sheng Deng, Yang Wang, Bo Xu, Guan-Bin Song*, Cheng-Xiong Xu*.Plumbagin-loaded ZIF-90 nanoparticles suppress gastric cancer progression by targeting the YAP1 signaling. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 437(1): 135369.




[3] Pu Xu, Bin Deng, Bingyu Zhang, Qing Luo, Guanbin Song*. Stretch-induced tenomodulin expression promotes tenocyte migration via        F-actin and chromatin remodeling. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2021, 22: 4928.


[4] Jie Wang, Lin Liu, Zhongjie Ding, Qing Luo, Yang Ju, Guanbin Song*. Exogenous NAD+ postpones the senescence of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells via sirt1 signaling. Antioxidants,2021, 10(2): 254.


[5] Yuchuan Sun, Hong Li, Qiufang Chen,Qing Luo, Guanbin Song*. The distribution of liver cancer stem cells correlates with the mechanical heterogeneity of liver cancer tissue. Histochemistry and Cell Biology,2021. doi: 10.1007/s00418-021-01979-w. Online ahead of print.


[6] Chunhua Luo, Zhongjie Ding, Yun Tu, Jiao Tan, Qing Luo, Guanbin Song*. Biomaterial-based platform for cancer stem cell enrichment and study. Cancer Biology & Medicine, 2021, accepted. doi: 10.20892/j.issn.2095-3941.2020.0420. Online ahead of print.


[7] Qiufang Chen, Bin Deng, Qing Luo, Guanbin Song*.Deep tumor-penetrated nanosystem eliminates cancer stem cell for highly efficient liver cancer therapy. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 421(2): 127874.



[8] Alexander Halim, Qing Luo, Agnes Dwi Ariyanti , Guanbin Song*. Recent progress in engineering mesenchymal stem cell differentiation. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 2020, accepted. DOI: 10.1007/s12015-020-09979-4.


[9] Qiuping Liu, Bin Deng, Qing Luo, Guanbin Song*. Role of mechanical microenvironment in cancer development and progression. Cancer Biology & Medicine, 2020, accepted. doi: 10.20892/j.issn.2095-3941.2019.0437.


[10] Qiuping Liu, Jinghui Sun, Qing Luo, Yang Ju, Guanbin Song*. Salinomycin suppresses tumorigenicity of liver cancer stem cells and Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2020, accepted. doi: 10.2174/1574888X15666200123121225.


[11] Zhe Chen, Lei Li, Weiru Wu, Zhilong Liu, Yongxiu Huang, Li Yang, Qing Luo, Jieping Chen, Yu Hou*, Guanbin Song*. Exercise protects proliferative muscle satellite cells against exhaustion via Igfbp7-Akt-mTOR axis. Theranostics, 2020, 10(14): 6448-6466.


[12] Yu Hou, Zhe Chen, Lei Li, Shuangnian Xu, Zhilong Liu, Chengfang Zhou, Zhigang Li, Yuanyuan Liu, Weiru Wu, Yongxiu Huang, Mei Kuang, Shijun Fan, Hui Li, Xi Li, Guanbin Song, Wenshu Wu, and Jieping Chen*. A Cdh1-FoxM1-Apc axis controls muscle development and regeneration. Cell Death & Disease, 2020, 11(3): 180.


[13] Bin Deng, Qing Luo, Alexander Halim, Qiuping Liu, Bingyu Zhang, Guanbin Song*. The antiangiogenesis role of histone deacetylase inhibitors: their potential application to tumor therapy and tissue repair. DNA and Cell Biology, 2020, 39(2): 167-176.


[14] Qiuping Liu, Qing Luo, Bin Deng, Yang Ju, Guanbin Song*. Stiffer matrix accelerates migration of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through enhanced aerobic glycolysis via the mapk-yap signaling. Cancers, 2020, 12(2): 490.




[15] Xiaorong Fu, Ge Liu, Alexander Halim, Yang Ju, Qing Luo, Guanbin Song*. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Migration and Tissue Repair. Cells, 2019,8(8). pii: E784.


[16] Boren Tian, Qing Luo, Yang Ju, Guanbin Song*. A soft matrix enhances the cancer stem cell phenotype of HCC cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(11): pii: E2831.


[17] Alexander Halim, Lin Liu, Ariyanti AD, Yang Ju, Qing Luo*, Guanbin Song*. Low-dose suspended graphene oxide nanosheets induce antioxidant response and osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells via JNK-dependent FoxO1 activation. Journal of Material Chemistry B, 2019, 7(39): 5998-6009.


[18] Xiaorong Fu, Alexander Halim, Boren Tian, Qing Luo, Guanbin Song*. MT1-MMP downregulation via the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway is required for the mechanical stretching-inhibited invasion of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2019, 234(8): 14133-14144.


[19] Lingling Liu, Qing Luo, Jinghui Sun, Guanbin Song*. Cytoskeletal control of nuclear morphology and stiffness are required for OPN-induced bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell migration. Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2019, 97(4): 463-470.


[20] Jun Zhou, Chencheng Xue, Yanhua Hou, Menghuan Li, Yan Hu, Qiufang Chen, Yanan Li, Ke Li, Guanbin Song, Kaiyong Cai, Zhong Luo*. Oxygenated theranostic nanoplatforms with intracellular agglomeration behavior for improving the treatment efficacy of hypoxic tumors. Biomaterials, 2019, 197: 129-145.


[21] Jinghui Sun, Qing Luo, Lingling Liu, Guanbin Song*. Low-level shear stress induces differentiation of liver cancer stem cells via the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Experimental Cell Research, 2019, 375(1): 90-96.




[22] Alexander Halim, Qing Luo, Yang Ju, Guanbin Song*.  A mini review focused on the recent applications of graphene oxide in stem cell growth and differentiation. Nanomaterials, 2018, 8(9): 736.


[23]  Qiufang Chen, Jun Zhou, Bingyu Zhang, Zhe Chen, Qing Luo, Guanbin Song*. Cyclic stretching exacerbates tendinitis by enhancing NLRP3 inflammasome activity via F-actin depolymerization. Inflammation, 2018, 41(5): 1731-1743.


[24] Bingyu Zhang, Qing Luo*, Bin Deng, Yasuyuki Morita, Yang Ju, Guanbin Song*. Construction of tendon replacement tissue based on collagen sponge and mesenchymal stem cells by coupled mechano-chemical induction and evaluation of its tendon repair abilities. Acta Biomaterialia,2018, 74: 247-259.


[25] Jinghui Sun, Qing Luo, Lingling Liu, Guanbin Song*. Low-level shear stress promotes migration of liver cancer stem cells via the FAK-ERK1/2 signalling pathway. Cancer Letters, 2018, 427: 1-8.


[26] Chen Qiufang, Qingfei Liang, Weixia Zhuang, Jun Zhou, Bingyu Zhang, Pu Xu, Yang Ju, Yasuyuki Morita, Qing Luo*, Guanbin Song*. proliferation and migration promoted by rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-derived conditioned medium. Biotechnology Letters, 2018, 40(1): 215-224. 


[27] Bingyu Zhang, Dongdong Kuang, Xuefeng Tang, Yan Mi, Qing Luo*, Guanbin Song*. Effect of low-field high-frequency nsPEFs on the biological behaviors of human a375 melanoma cells. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2018, 65(9): 2093-2100.


[28] Lingling Liu, Qing Luo, Jinghui Sun, Yang Ju, Yasuyuki Morita, Guanbin Song*. Chromatin organization regulated by EZH2-mediated H3K27me3 is required for OPN-induced migration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2018, 96: 29-39.




[29] Bingyu Zhang, Qing Luo, Alexander Halim, Yang Ju, Yasuyuki Morita, Guanbin Song*. Directed differentiation and of mesenchymal stem cells: Potential implications for tendon repair and . Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2017, 12(6): 447-454.


[30] Qiuping Liu, Qing Luo, Alexander Halim, Guanbin Song*. Targeting lipid metabolism of cancer cells: a promising therapeutic strategy for cancer. Cancer Letters, 2017, 401: 39-45.


[31] Lingling Liu, Qing Luo, Jinghui Sun, Aoli Wang,Yisong Shi, Yang Ju, Yasuyuki Morita, Guanbin Song*. Decreased nuclear stiffness via FAK-ERK1/2 signaling is necessary for osteopontin-promoted migration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Experimental Cell Research, 2017, 35: 172-181.


[32] Jinghui Sun, Qing Luo, Lingling Liu, Xianjiong Yang, Shunqin Zhu, Guanbin Song*. Salinomycin attenuates liver cancer stem cell motility by enhancing cell stiffness and increasing F-actin formation via the FAK-ERK1/2 signalling pathway. Toxicology, 2017, 384: 1-10.


[33] Zhe Chen, Qing Luo, Lin Yuan, Guanbin Song*. Microgravity directs stem cell differentiation. Histology and Histopathology, 2017, 32(2): 99-106.


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